
Recognizing Emotional Shoplifting and Relationship Bankruptcy

  Questions with Answers 1. What is Emotional Shoplifting? 2. How Can I Recognize the warning signs of Emotional Shoplifting? 3. What is Relationship Bankruptcy? 4. How Can I Spot it or Turn it Around? THE ANSWERS 1. What is Emotional Shoplifting? Emotional Shoplifting is when you steal truth from yourself and/or fail to disclose truth to another person with whom you have an intimate, personal relationship. Each time you stifle your feelings, you are literally shoplifting, stealing and sabotaging your self esteem, your trust within and for yourself, as well as dramatically reducing the trust another person can have for you. When you hide your real feelings, you are engaging in Emotional Shoplifting. When you lie to yourself, and give yourself all kinds of justifications about why you should remain in a relationship with another person that is far from satisfying, each time you are literally stealing another shred of self worth that you have within. When you choose to remain in fear,